Left Out Program Notes for March 21, 2006

Welcome to Left Out, reality-based independent radio on WRCT 88.3FM, and on the worldwide web at leftout.info. Left Out discusses the news from a perspective left out of the mainstream media. Left Out is co-hosted by Bob Harper and Danny Sleator. Today's program is produced by Matt Hornyak. Listeners are invited to call the program at (412) 268-WRCT (9728), or to send email to bob@leftout.info


The WRCT spring semester schedule is up. In it we find:

Democracy Now! weekdays at 8am.
Free Speech Radio News weekdays at 5:30pm.
Fight'n Lefty Review Wednesdays at 6pm.
After The Bell right after Left Out.
The Lid Off alternating weeks with Left Out.
Rust Belt Radio Mondays 6pm.


Listen to the broadcast (requires MP3 player). (Streaming, Download, Podcast)

Guest: Mark Levine, author of Why They Don't Hate Us

Mark Levine is Associate Professor of Modern Middle Eastern History, Culture, and Islamic Studies at the University of California at Irvine. Prof Levine's new book analyzes the politics of the Middle East from the perspective of economic and cultural globalization. Prof Levine has recently been honored by David Horowitz as one of "America's Most Dangerous Professors."

Feingold's Speech on Censuring Bush

On March 14th, Senator Russ Feingold read this statement on the floor of the senate introducing his Resolution to Centure George W. Bush. The statement is an impassioned summary of Bush's illegal writetapping, and the plethora of lies Bush and Golzales told to defend the program to the public. You can also listen to the speech.


Truth Out
Common Dreams
Information Clearinghouse
Tom Paine
The Independent
The Guardian
Consortium News

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Danny Sleator
Last modified: Fri Mar 31 7:37:40 2006